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  • Writer's pictureSAYAN BOSE


Most people do not realize the learning method until they start educating their own children at home.

Unlike other people, learning how to read is not a ‘normal’ mechanism that takes place on its own. It is a dynamic one, which needs the correct instruction of different skills and techniques including phonics by knowing the association among letters and sounds and phonemic knowledge.

The good news is that while reading itself is a complicated task, it is very easy and simple to take measures to build these skills. Try these easy, time-tested tactics below to show children how to read and making it a fun and enjoyable experience.

Below are some tips for reading your child’s book styles. But read whatever your child answers and likes,

1 Year Baby: Books with actual pictures, Books with a variety of textures, Song Books

1–3 Years Toddlers: Wordplay Books, Music Books, and Short Stories Books

4–5 Years Children: Alphabet Books, Picture Books.

1.#Reading Book Aloud

Before ‘They’ even notice the presence of handwritten words on paper, children grow to enjoy the sound of the language. Children’s imaginations are stimulated and their comprehension of the environment is broadened as stories are read aloud to them. It helps in the formation of language and communication abilities, as well as preparing them to comprehend written material.

2. #Asking Questions '?'

By answering questions when reading, you can help your child improve his or her communication skills. Encourage smaller children to interact with the images (for example, “Can you see the Dog?”). (“Can you tell me what is the colour of the Bird ?”). For little kids, ask them questions about what they’ve just heard, such as, “Why the little Parrot got scared?”

When he grows older, ask him to point to objects in the book and make the sounds that the animals he seeing.

3. #Teach Word Families

Learning word families of primary school children is an excellent opportunity to develop their literacy skills. A word family is a set of words that have the same vowels and a common short series of letters, usually at the end. Begin by introducing children to a few basic word families. Try to switch on to teach other word groups, including multisyllabic words and more difficult vowel sounds, after children, have familiarized themselves with a simple word family and can remember other words in that family.

For instance, write the following on the whiteboard:

“cat,” “hat,” “mat,” “rat,” and “sat.”

“top”, “pop”, “stop”, “cop”, “hop”

4. #Recognize The Skills Required For Teaching Children To Learn.

It is necessary to note that reading requires multiple skills. These are the qualities that all children need to master to read effectively. In short, they include:

* The capacity to perceive and manipulate the various sounds of words are known as phonemic perception.

* Recognizing the relationship between letters and the sounds they produce is known as phonics.

* Understanding the sense of terms, their meanings, and their significance is referred to as vocabulary.

* Understanding the sense of language, both in storybooks and knowledge books, is important for reading comprehension.

* Fluency is described as the ability to read aloud quickly, accurately, and with comprehension.

5.#Books They Want To Read

When children are engaged in the content, to begin with, they are more likely to learn. Take the children to the library and give them the choice of the books they want to read first. If the document seems too difficult, at the very least you already know what subjects they are involved in.

One of the most valuable qualities to have in order to excel in life is the ability to read. It assists your child in achieving academic success, developing self-confidence, and motivating them. Reading will assist your child in learning all about the environment, understanding instructions on signs and notices on stickers, discovering reading as a means of amusement, and assisting them in gathering knowledge.


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